URI | https://d-nb.info/gnd/1151455210 |
Entitätstyp | Individualisierte Person |
GND-Nummer | 1151455210 |
Beruf oder Beschäftigung | Wirtschaftswissenschaftler |
Affiliation | Singapore Management University | Singapore Management University. Centre for Research on the Economics of Ageing | Fanhai International School of Finance | Fudan University. School of Economics |
Homepage | https://crea.smu.edu.sg/people/dr-jiang-liang | https://fisf.fudan.edu.cn/en_show-112-79.html |
Akademischer Grad | Dr. |
Ländercode | Singapur | China |
Geschlecht | Männlich |
Titelangabe | New methodology for constructing real estate price indices applied to the Singapore residential market |
Varianter Name | Liang, Jiang | Jiang Liang |
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