URI https://d-nb.info/gnd/1312288299
EntitätstypIndividualisierte Person
AffiliationAmazon.com Inc.  | Indian Institute of Management Mumbai 
TitelangabeThe forms and antecedents of customer misbehaviour: a bibliometric analysis and qualitative research from Asian emerging country perspective
Varianter NameAgrahari, A. | Apoorva A. | Apoorva, Agrahari | Apoorva Agrahari
Siehe auchDeutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) | Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)

Datenquelle: DNB Linked-Data-Service (RDF/XML, Turtle) | CC0

Datenquelle: DNB Linked-Data-Service (RDF/XML, Turtle) | CC0