De est et non | Werk | 4471500-6 | ||
De rosis nascentibus | Werk |
Vergilius Maro, Publius |
4471523-7 | |
Les beaux quartiers | Werk |
Aragon, Louis |
4471852-4 | |
Tour through the whole island of Great Britain | Werk |
Defoe, Daniel |
4472271-0 | |
Wilhelm von Wenden | Werk |
Ulrich, von Etzenbach |
4472285-0 | |
Saturae 8 | Werk |
Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius |
4472643-0 | |
Small world | Werk |
Lodge, David |
4472781-1 | |
For those we love | Werk |
Whitman, Walt |
4472824-4 | |
Rasagaṅgādhara | Werk |
Jagannātha Paṇḍitarāja |
4472899-2 | |
Pharmaceutriae | Werk |
Theocritus |
4472912-1 |