142 Treffer, zeige 61 bis 70:
Seminar on Copyright and the Collective Administration of Rights (1991 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
Regional Conference on Comesa and SADC Preparations on Phase II of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) Negotiations with the EU (2003 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
Regional Workshop on Post Lomé IV Negotiations - What Has Been Lost, What Are the Sticky Issues and What Are the Challenges for SADC (1999 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
Zimbabwe International Book Fair (2001 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
African Regional Workshop for Eastern and Southern Africa on Rehabilitation of the Visually Impaired (1986 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
International Expert Meeting on the Problems Connected with the Right of Peoples and the Historical and Practical Significance of these Problems (1985 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
Subregional Workshop on Land Resources Information Systems (LRIS) for Food Security in SADC Countries (1999 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
Symposium on Science and Technology (6 : 1999 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
Symposium on Science and Technology (5 : 1996 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe
Technical Information Sharing Workshop for the Zimoza Transborder Natural Resources Management (TBNRM) Initiative (2000 : Harare) Konferenz oder Veranstaltung Simbabwe