Vicāraratnākara | Werk |
Kīrttivijaya |
4570582-3 | |
The querist | Werk |
Berkeley, George |
4570873-3 | |
Bṛhatsaṃgrahaṇī | Werk |
Jinabhadra |
4570915-4 | |
La vision du passé | Werk |
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre |
4571618-3 | |
The structure of scientific revolutions | Werk |
Kuhn, Thomas S. |
4572033-2 | |
De resurrectione | Werk |
Athenagoras, Atheniensis |
4575965-0 | |
Three rival versions of moral enquiry | Werk |
MacIntyre, Alasdair C. |
4576014-7 | |
De falso et vero bono | Werk |
Platina, Bartholomaeus |
4577217-4 | |
Epistulae | Werk |
Epicurus |
4577494-8 | |
Ethica Christiana | Werk |
Veranzio, Fausto |
4578547-8 |